Thumbnail Fungus: A Guide to Fighting

The miniature fungus is an infectious disease. It is manifested by a weakening of the protective functions of the body and non-compliance with hygiene measures. Fungal microorganisms infect the nail plate and move to nearby areas.

Photo of the miniature mushroom

Fungus on the big toe

Causes of thumb nail fungus

Poor hygiene is a major cause of infection. You can often get it from another person. So, if you don't follow preventive measures, everyone around the infected can get the condition. An example of toenail fungus is shown in the photo.

Thumb plaque is prone to onychomycosis due to its structural characteristics. Filaments of mycelium spread faster in it than in other environments. The reason is a large concentration of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Defeat can develop against the background of some predisposing factors:

  • endocrine pathologies;
  • varicose veins;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • slow metabolism (especially for the elderly);
  • reduced blood circulation;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis (inflammation);
  • eczema;
  • pathology of the immune system;
  • serious diseases such as hepatitis and HIV;
  • general use of hygiene items;
  • Frequent use of unsuitable footwear (narrow, low quality materials).

Onychomycosis is rare in children. The main group susceptible to the disease are the elderly. This is due to changes in the body and a decrease in its protective abilities. The second group includes pregnant and lactating women, as well as postmenopausal women.

People who live in humid climates or attend sports clubs, baths, swimming pools and saunas are also at risk. About 30% of cases are contaminated with non-sterile instruments used for pedicure.

Symptoms of thumbnail fungus

Despite the specific characteristics of the toenail fungus types, the symptoms are similar in all cases. The primary manifestations of the infection are severe itching, burning, peeling of the skin at the site of the lesion. Gradually, as the infection penetrates deeper, cracks and bubbles appear between the fingers, forming open foci.

The following stages of defeat can be distinguished:

  1. manifestation of whitish or yellow spots (sometimes stripes) on the nail plate, thickening of the plate, itching;
  2. thickening of the plate and dullness of its color, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, redness of the skin around it, inflammation and swelling.
  3. destruction of the nail, the appearance of open sores in the surrounding area, discomfort when walking.

The affected nail may start growing inside the pillow. Pus often appears in the corners of the nails. If the disease is ignored, the nail will completely flake off.

Color changes vary by pathogen type:

  • dermatophyte - yellowish or whitish streaks, which eventually turn into a uniform color;
  • yeast type - brownish tint, wavy texture of the dish;
  • type of mold: black or greenish color of the nail.

With a fungal infection, the top layer becomes rough and harmful microorganisms instantly move to other areas of the body. They go deep, infecting the rest of the skin and foot. The form of the pathology becomes chronic. Others are more likely to be infected.

Miniature fungus treatment

How to cure a fungus on the big toe, only a doctor can know. In the hospital, the nature of the disease, the level of infection and specific characteristics of the patient's body are established. Based on the data obtained, the specialist draws up a number of therapeutic measures. When developing a treatment, the following is taken into account:

  • affected area;
  • depth of penetration of the infection;
  • the duration of the disease;
  • character of the mushroom.

A therapy course can include:

  • Paints and solutions. Antifungal agents. Suitable in the early stages of infection. The composition is used to cover the affected area and forget about it for a while. The drug is used 3-5 times a week. So take a break and apply the same remedy again. The total duration of therapy varies from 6 to 12 months.
  • Ointments, gels, sprays and creams. Antifungal purpose. They are applied to the affected areas and can be used at any stage of the infection.
  • Internal medicine. Antifungal drugs and tablets are prescribed at a later stage in the development of the pathology. They have a number of contraindications and side effects. It must be appointed by a doctor.
  • Immunostimulants and vitamins. Recommended in addition to external and internal antifungal drugs. These include supplements and preparations containing magnesium and iron, B vitamins, folic acid and zinc and selenium. They stimulate the protective functions of the body. Useful in all stages of thumb nail fungus.
  • Laser. Indicated for ingrown nails. It will not completely eliminate the fungus, however, it will prevent internal growth from recurring.

Fungal drugs are designed to completely get rid of the infection. They destroy harmful microorganisms and prevent them from spreading rapidly. As a rule, they have a cumulative effect and accelerate the course of the therapeutic course. If used correctly, relapses are prevented.

Complete cure of the fungal infection is achieved in 2-4 months. Occasionally, therapy takes more than six months.

If the damage to the nail tissue is severe, the nail can be removed. Removal is performed using special aggressive compounds or surgical intervention. It is this method the most reliable and completely eliminates the pathology.

The procedure has no side effects. The algorithm can be described as follows: a finger with an affected nail is treated with an antiseptic agent. Next, the doctor applies a tourniquet and injects anesthesia.

After the nail plate is removed using various surgical instruments, the nail bed is freed from dead tissue and the place is treated with an iodine solution. Finally, an antiseptic compress is applied to the finger.

In the course of a well-chosen therapy, the manifestations of the disease should weaken, the skin should free itself from lesions and the nail plate should return to its healthy and natural appearance. However, it is possible to reliably know the departure of parasites only with the help of laboratory tests. They are performed after 14 days and a month after the course of treatment.

Traditional methods of treating miniature fungi

Regardless of the type of toenail fungus, treatment with traditional folk remedies is not recommended. In most cases, it is ineffective, has little effect or aggravates the situation. Especially if the therapy is carried out exclusively by independent efforts.

However, there are many recipes that can alleviate the course of the disease. The most common tools are:

  • Tea tree oil. Proven antiseptic. Partially eliminates harmful bacteria and has an antifungal effect.
  • Potato broth. Prepared with potato skins. Foot baths are made from the composition for 20 minutes. The procedure is daily.
  • Lemon. The citrus is cut into slices and applied to the contaminated surface. It can be repaired with a cellophane bag and sterile bandage. Course duration - 8-10 days.
  • A mixture of water and acid. In identical proportions, 70% acetic acid and pure water are combined. The composition is kneaded into a paste and applied to the infected area for 10-20 minutes. The duration of the course is 3-5 days. Helps to remove the affected nail.
  • Salt baths. Take 20 grams of sea salt per liter of warm water. Stir and lower your legs there. Do this every day for 14 days.
  • Aspen broth. Take 100 grams of poplar bark, grind, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. In the composition, the affected legs are steamed. To improve effectiveness, the skin can be pre-coated with a mixture of baking soda and regular laundry soap without additives. The procedure is daily.

It is important to note that:it is contraindicated for women to take a foot bath. The high temperature of the water causes blood flow to the pelvic organs. This can cause early labor. Better to use propolis or tea tree oil.

Traditional methods can yield results in the early stages of the disease. In this case, the fungus can go away with local treatment with simple natural antiseptic agents.

For example, as herbal tea, bright green, iodine or hydrogen peroxide. If the onychomycosis persists for a long time, the patient needs a well-thought-out complex therapy of drugs of action at the system and local level. Unknowingly, many patients resort only to external antifungals, limiting themselves to folk recipes, gels and ointments. However, this path does not work in the vast majority of cases.

Preventive measures

Fungus prevention measures are divided into two types: primary and secondary.

The first task is to prevent infection in healthy individuals. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Observe personal hygiene practices. Especially when it comes to the selection of shoes and pedicure tools.
  • Do not wear other people's clothes. Shoes and socks should only be yours.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places such as a bathhouse or beach.
  • Avoid damaging the nails and areas around the plate.
  • Treat your hands with antiseptics. Especially if the skin is damaged.
  • If you suspect a fungal infection, go to the hospital immediately.

Secondary prevention measures are designed to prevent recurrence of the disease. In order not to get nail fungus a second time, you should follow these tips:

  • strictly follow medical instructions;
  • limits the time spent in the water;
  • do not go to public places such as the beach or the sauna;
  • disinfects personal manicure tools;
  • throw away shoes and socks that have come into contact with a body contaminated with the fungus;
  • disinfects footwear using special compounds.

In addition, you should monitor the correctness of the diet, avoid prolonged stress and try not to neglect physical activity.

So, it is not difficult to acquire a fungus and start a disease. But the treatment can take a fairly large amount of time, effort, and material waste. At the first symptoms of defeat, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. Early therapy is easier and faster. If the disease begins, the nail will need to be removed.